Hi! I’m a lecturer in linguistics at University of Michigan, and director of the UM WordLab where I work with students on experimental and computational research focusing on lexical (VERB!) representations (also other syntactic categories are welcome, if that’s you thing). If you’re a student interested in joining my lab, see the lab site for more information. If you’re interested in collaborating, send me an email!

I teach courses in psycholinguistics, semantics, research methods, and general linguistics. As the Director for Undergraduate Research Experiences, I also help to connect undergraduates with research in the department and work to support equity in our research and training opportunities.

I also love to nerd out about workflow tools and best practices for basically everything, and learn a lot from sharing about them with others. Right now one of those projects is developing question banks and assessments with the r/exams package, and setting up better open science/reproducibility workflows with R and Rmarkdown or Quarto. I also love learning more about statistics, and am also interested in replication as a tool for both scientific progress and research methods training.

Here, have a cat: