We will be working through the 2nd edition of Richard McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking.
Alternating Fridays 11-1pm EDT/EST. For members, see Google Calendar event for exact dates and Zoom link.
McElreath’s page with links to most resources
brms/tidyverse implementation website (A Solomon Kurz)
brms/tidyverse implementation repo (A Solomon Kurz)
Installing R and RStudio on Windows(YouTube)
Installing R and RStudio on Mac (YouTube)
Intro to R and RStudio - Zero to (s)Hero Part 1 (2 hour workshop video)
Roadmap for Getting Started with R
Short RStudio Tips for Easier Coding (YouTube)
Succinct Intro to R - this one is good if you have programming experience and just want a quick orientation to R (though I disagree with the guidance to use =
for assignment rather than <-
if you want to your code to be readable for other R users!)